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Since 1992 , Cécile AVIO has been fighting a daily battle to assert the rights of every disabled, deficient and elderly person and she is convinced that the Art of Dance has its place in the field of integration, inclusion as bodily and sensory messages.


Dance allows all these vulnerable people to harmonize their differences, to express themselves, to develop and affirm their personality and to integrate: TO BE A DANCER.


On the other hand, Cécile AVIO believes that raising awareness among able-bodied people in the artistic world and integrating disabled dancers into the cultural world is necessary in order to enable them to better understand difference and to prove to them that it only exists in preconceptions.


What could be more natural than wanting to dance, wanting to light up the stage and the hearts of the spectators with your talent? To be recognized through a dance technique and to transmit the emotion of the danced movement…


It is by adapting to their handicap(s), deficiency(ies), by using technical tools from the AVIO® educational method, by obtaining the necessary means for each person, that extraordinary results are achieved.

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In order to create her teaching method, Cécile AVIO has had solid, practical experience since 1992 in teaching dance to children, adults and the elderly:

People with hearing disabilities (including the deaf and blind, and IMC deaf people)

People with visual impairments (including people with associated intellectual and motor impairments)

People with motor and physical disabilities (including paraplegics, hemiplegics, quadriplegics, people with head injuries, amputees, people with cerebral palsy, etc.)


People with mental disabilities, intellectual disabilities, Down's syndrome, autism, etc.


People with multiple disabilities


Elderly and dependent people, ageing people with degenerative diseases (Alzheimer's, Parkinson's, etc.)


Many new ‘HandiDancers’ are added to this list every year.


Cécile AVIO created her method in 1992, and opened her first HandiDanse workshops and shows on a voluntary basis in 1994, creating HandiDanse Adaptée Inclusive® practice.

1992 - 1994

In 1992, after having been trained in French Sign Language and having approached the various medical and medico-social bodies in order to learn about the various existing pathologies mainly relating to disability,
Cécile AVIO creates her teaching method.

After intensive training, Cécile AVIO ran her first HandiDanse workshops in 1994 for deaf and hard of hearing people on the one hand, and then for all types of disabilities, initially in Nice, Marseille and Toulon.

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Cécile AVIO and her first deaf and hard of hearing students in 1994

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First performance following the first HandiDanse workshops by Cécile AVIO in 1994

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