Certified Quality
The Fédération HandiDanse Adaptée Inclusive® has been a training organization certified under the National Qualiopi Framework since November 4, 2021.
Obtaining Qualiopi certification is a real recognition of the quality processes implemented by our training organization.
This certification, mandatory for all training organizations, ensures complete transparency regarding the training we offer.
Being Qualiopi certified is a guarantee of the quality of the various processes implemented by the Fédération HandiDanse Adaptée Inclusive®.
In the case of our organization, this quality certification was issued under the training action category.
The Fédération HandiDanse Adaptée Inclusive® has been referenced by Data Dock since January 2022.
Data Dock referencing brings a certain transparency and readability to the sphere of our professional training organization.
Data Dock constitutes a development instrument that works across the different funding bodies thanks to a regulated framework that allows for adherence to quality criteria that give credibility to the actions of each party.